Bild från DNs hemsida
Obama sa: "My grandfather was a respected elder in his village, his employers called him "boy" for much of his life."
För andra gången talade Barack Obama i Afrika. Han är läsvärd. Här en länk till talet.
Han har en fin ton, en klok ansats: "I am speaking to you at the end of a long trip. I began in Russia, for a Summit between two great powers. I traveled to Italy, for a meeting of the world's leading economies. And I have come here, to Ghana, for a simple reason: the 21st century will be shaped by what happens not just in Rome or Moscow or Washington, but by what happens in Accra as well.
This is the simple truth of a time when the boundaries between people are overwhelmed by our connections. Your prosperity can expand America's. Your health and security can contribute to the world's. And the strength of your democracy can help advance human rights for people everywhere.
So I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world apart; I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world - as partners with America on behalf of the future that we want for all our children. That partnership must be grounded in mutual responsibility, and that is what I want to speak with you about today."
2 kommentarer:
Barack Obama är onekligen en skicklig talare. Det är dock viktigt att vi rätt analyserar hans tal.
Här en länk till en pastor som analyserar Barack Obamas historiska tal i Kairo:
Berndt Isaksson
... att vi rätt analyserar...
vi? rätt?
Du är rätt tröttsam. Ämnet förekommer på din hemsida. Solana och Obama vetter åt Antikrist.
Du är rätt tröttsam./PA
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